AirRewards-ID hinzufügen - Vergangener Flug
Sie können Punkte für vergangene Flüge einfordern, vorausgesetzt, der Flug wurde innerhalb der letzten 90 Tage abgeschlossen.
Melden Sie sich in Ihrem Konto an und klicken Sie auf „Punkte für vergangene Flüge einfordern“ und geben Sie Ihre PNR ein, um Ihre Punkte sofort zu erhalten.
Wählen Sie eine der untenstehenden Optionen, um sich anzumelden, wohin Sie hauptsächlich reisen:
- Österreich: Klicken Sie hier um sich anzumelden
- Deutschland: Klicken Sie hier um sich anzumelden
Häufig gestellte Fragen
What if I forgot to add my AirRewards ID during booking?
If you forgot to add your AirRewards ID during booking, you can still add it by logging into the "Manage Booking" section and updating your reservation with your AirRewards ID before the flight.
Can I add my AirRewards ID after my flight?
Yes, you can claim missing AirRewards points after your flight by logging into your AirRewards account and submitting a retro claim request. This must be done within 90 days of the flight.
Can I add my AirRewards ID for all passengers in the booking?
No, the AirRewards ID is specific to each individual traveler. Only the person whose name is on the booking can add their AirRewards ID and earn points. However you can add all your family members under our family head scheme in order to accumulate points under one account. Family Head rules apply.
How do I earn AirRewards points?
You earn AirRewards points every time you fly with Air Arabia or when you purchase additional services such as seats, meals, baggage, and insurance. Points will be credited to your AirRewards account after the flight.
How do I redeem my AirRewards points?
You can redeem your AirRewards points for free flights, seat upgrades, additional baggage, and other services by logging into your AirRewards account and selecting to redeem your AirRewards Points during the booking process.